A home is a place where everyone of us feel secure, comfortable and find peace than any other places. Home is a place where we rest, spend time with family members, play, enjoy watching TV and do many other activities. Its a place where we spend most of our time. Hence it is very important that we keep our home clean and organized. It should be clutter free and every inch of our house should be fully utilized. But this is not an easy task, it may require certain commitments through out your life.
To organize a home, one must first develop a plan, devise categories for organizing different objects in the room and placing each objects in the right places. When your home is properly organized it takes less time in finding different things. It also help in keeping more appliances, furniture’s etc as all the internal spaces are fully utilized. This article is intended to provide you some helpful tips to make it easier for you to organize your dream home.
Make a well organized plan
Organizing home is very important otherwise the work will be overwhelming and you might need to repeat or redo certain things. Make a list of things you need to do first. Get a paper and pen and walk to every room of your home. Write down anything that needs to be organized. Your list might become very long, but don’t worry you can always break it down at later stage. Once you have made the list, its time to prioritize depending upon the most important and essential thing. Go through with the every item of the list and decide what needs to be done right away verses what can be done at the later stage.
Bathroom should be the first place in your home which need to be organized. Find out all the items in the bathroom that are no longer needed or those items which have become outdated. Throw this item out or sell it at scrap stores. Items like old razors, empty bottles, old scissors etc need to be thrown. Keep cleaners in their container under the sink so they’re easily accessible. It’s also a good idea to label your cleaners by room. Take a permanent marker and write “bathroom” on all of your bathroom cleaners so that you don’t take them out of the bathroom and have to hunt them down later.
The kitchen is most used room in any house and it is also the most messy room. It is thus very important to organize it to make it efficient and manageable. The triangle theory states that your time in your kitchen will be more effective if you set it up like a triangle. As you pay attention to how you move in the kitchen, it can be described as going from the sink to the stove to the fridge, or some variation of that. Following the triangle theory, if you make the stove, sink and fridge the “points” of your triangle, your time spent in your kitchen will be more efficient.